Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Finally can get to update my blog again. Been very busy this few days. Last Firday was my last paper...finally i break thru from skool life-hopefully i pass everything..no sup no repeat...

Last paper was Network Infra, damn difficult siar... i sat thru out the whole paper. Intially thought can leave after 1/2 hr but i was damn wrong. Then again i thought was the paper damn difficult or just is it me. Then i look ard ppl start to leave but those expert stayed. So i make this conclusion that the paper is difficult. The rest left becoz its either they give up or earn points to pass..Then when the paper end, we bumped into the person who are responsible for this paper. It was Loke mun - Mrs OK~... When we complained that the paoer is tough, she replied tough ah... i think she really knew the paper is damn tough...But i just hope a lot of ppl fail and they bring down the mark...so i can pass with flying color heheheh.

Move on to DreamsGirls. Intially i was a bit biased to watch black show. But after a while it was damn nicer..Nicer than Chicago. Very drama mama... It must to watch even more than once. It reflect on 5 things good about DreamGirls
1) Musical Movie
2) The dreams of Destiny's Child
3) The racial of Black & White
4) How they(the blacks) break thru the white thru Music
5) Fantastic SoundTrack


This show is played in the 1960s, when there is still a line between the black and white. Curtis Taylor aching to make his mark in the music business - a civil right. He acheived his dreams thru 3 talented singer who have distinctive passion about music and not forgetting a brilliant songwriter. See how the drama between them fighting and determine to make their dreams comes thru. Each individual have their own dreams and how this movie reflect it nicely till you never realize this. Watch it...it is damn nice.

Triple thumbs up

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