Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Wah been very busy as working OT. Intially i was feeling stressed with my job as my IT isn't that good. But lucky im a fast learner and now getting the hang of it... Well been reformating 3 laptop, 1 desktop,changing all the PCs into new domain and so more what i do??? Aiyah a lot of stuff but enjoy my job.. If only its a permanent job i will be happy...going ard the office to do the PCs and suprisingly Carol's (my boss) email works...all seem to know me...I was suprised someone called my name when i never seen me b4... Go ard the office changing the domain without disturbing their files...When someone asked me what i'm trying to do. I said i'm changing the domain of the pc and she said HUH can say in lay man term. heheh and ohh yah i simply said your computer change house. well still got 34 pcs to go...so tomolo still OT? hopefully not as i plan to go Johor... Then thursday pick my friend's friend from Jakarta...Wow and my friend did sent something for me...can;t wait wat is it... as in return have to send cakes to all the ex collegues..well nothing interesting but still waiting to get the pic from GIno...GIno send me the dnd pic plz...so i got something to talk about LOL...oklah wanna zzz as tomolo another brand new day for work...3 days to week ends.. cant wait! wanna go sentosa and sun tan...Sentosa is so near yet so far... so sad to work here as u r few km away from fun but u r stranded at work but its ok.. there where your incomes come! After my temp job wanna go break..holiday! sian sian!

ps stay home on every tuesday as there will be CSI follow by cold case then CSI - whort to watch on channel 5....tuesday don ask me out ...other day will do...office hr job very stacknard

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