Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sabah (Kota Kinabalu)

Hi ppl, its been very long time that i updated my blog. Its because i will only update if i went for a trip as u guys know my dream is to cover the world. It took a while to update since my returned,i've been heading johor...almost everyday. Good n bad...ok enough of explanation i will start with my story

On 11 April 2008,it mark the date of my first exploration or shall i say the start of my dream. Dream to step my foot all over the world. 4 cities or more for every country - a must visit. Without realised, i have already completed Indonesia with a special friend,Sam. But since he got married, i've decided to finish our dream myself starting with Malaysia.


It is located far eastern part of Malaysia, on an island called Borneo. It is well known for its rafflesia flower and Mount Kinabalu.

I took a flight from Johor - Air Asia costing $170 include a meal. But the only trouble is, i have to be there by 5.30 am ( to play safe) to catch my flight at 7.05am. So plan start coming in on how to get there on time. Luckly i have friends who love to go johor. Hence we went Johor and hang out, makan, massage and etc till 2am. Then he sent me to Bus interchange Lakin. At Johor, i did ask ard and according to the local assumption that cab fare will reach 100+ to get to Senai Airport as it is over midnight. What??? thats crazy!!!! So i decided to hang out at Larkin as there is 24hrs macdonald where i can hang out till its time to make a move. I just ordered a tea and sat quietly listening to my ipod. While i'm in Macdonald, i fall asleep after setting my alarm. When the alarms when off, woking up, i realised my table is wet. i knocked over my tea...ohhh gosh, luckly no one saw it.

Then I took a cab from Lakin to Senai Airport costing 40 ringgit which i think can be cheaper. But its 5am in the morning so i just let it be. But you should take the cab b4 six as the taxi driver claimed it will get jam. This is due to factory workers heading to work.
Upon reaching Senai Airport, i fall asleep again and finally got into the airplane. Thou its free seating but at least i've got my fav spot - windows seat, maybe its not a full flight.

After 2 hrs plus flight, i got a cab and alight to a shopping centre. From there, i can scavanged for a hotel. Not long enough, i got a cheap and budget HOTEL KINABALU costing 2 nights for Rm 130. Small,simple and the most important thing, it is CLEAN. Getting myself feel at home,suddenly i realised i forgot my Hp charger. Gosh! my phone is dead. How can i informed my parents that i have reached my destination but i will think that later. All i want to do now is to rest. I laied myself on to the bed. Thou it is not comfortable, i just want to rest myself well after a yr of work without any holiday..

When i woke up, its already 4 pm. Bath and getting reading to explore Sabah. First stop is to find Filipina Market. When i went there, a group of ppl busy getting ready to set their stall. So i decided to return later.

Day VS Night

NOTE: Filipina market is where you can find a lot of souvenoir but take note it is more expensive as its been a commercialised market. I got my sourvenoir somewhere else which its more cheaper.

For a moment, i felt regret of going alone. Not fun....But i told myself that this is what i planned and no matter what i want to travel ard the world regardless with family or friends.The most important thing is to step my foot ard the world. Breathe in and then i moved on. There are a lot of shopping centre ard. From the hotel i stayed, it is accessable to most places. At night, filipina market is turn into food centre and a night market selling grocery. The unique food that i bought are murtabak goreng and apam balik with kaya and magarine. Nice thou. Rest early as tomorrow will be adventure day.


Woke up and slowly prepared for my adventurous day. Packing up my bag(which i bought a haversack bag at the night market behind my hotel @ Rm15) which I think it is a must to have this extra haversack bag where you can put in mineral water, biscuits, camera and extra clothes in. Got off my room and asked the receptionist for the bus interchange. Charges to Mount Kinabalu by bus in Rm 25 which you have to mention to the bus coordinator. The bus is going Ranau but they will alight you at Mount Kinabalu. If you take a private car or taxi will cost you Rm 120+. Its more fun taking the bus which actually a mini van. Driving very fast till no air con is in need to be install. The minivan pass by few places that i wanna go but of cause no stop - The state mosque, the oil refinery building and indeed the beautiful scenery of the highland. The higher it went, it getting chill and damn again, i forgot to bring any jacket. but i can bear the chill....nicezzz

After 2 hrs +, they alight me at the 1st entrance of Mount Kinabalu. Walking to the gate entrance, you have to pay Rm 3. I took some pictures before decided to take my lunch. Nice buffet cafe costing me Rm 25. Chill for a while but have to rush as my schedule may clash- leaving the area by 2pm. Asking for the staff advise, she said that we could choose 2 choices to take a vehicle for Rm 5 to get to the 2nd entrance of the Mount kinabalu or walk 3 km. Want to be adventurous, i decided to walk up. Regret and yet not!!!! I think i didn't listen carefully is it 3 km or 4 km UPHILL! I almost gave up when i reached 1.5 km. But what motivate me is to get in to the trail along way up. You can see the beautiful Mount Kinabalu...the waterfall , the greenery or just anything simply captured my heart.

*Be sure or if can, pretend you are Malaysian, if got caught to bad...cause you pay local price... far much cheaper..

Start of my trail
Time: 1200hrs

Found the map only towards the end of the trail

After 1.5k 30 min later

Face getting paler and paler

Nearing to "just" the entrance

Finally after 2 1/2 hrs...i've reached but just the entrance...sigh

Although no certificate(reach to the peak,receive a certificate of achievement),i'm glad i made it alive....

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