Saturday, February 24, 2007

Overnight Study

Exam lai liaozzz...... Yesterday night, i planned to study alone at the study's corner near my block, end up calling dawn , gino and Dragon. But only dawn make it as she live near me. Then after a lot of sms with Dragon, he said he is in skool wif his ehem ehem -gemini..and only join later for supper. Sigh! so mafan... cannot Study only sms him.. Then when dawn came and set awhile, i called Joy and she was studying alone at Tampines Mac...can study meh??? So changed of plan...we decided to pick her up and then proceed to East Coast MAc... can study meh>??? Well ok oklah... better than Tampines MAc i guess >>>>According to Joy she have to blast her MP3 player in order to study what do u think??

When we reached, we decided to grab a bite...hungry... then start study...then came this guy and girl set beside us... Peeping at each other and whisper..."hey next door also from TP" but we didnt say anything... Then after an hour, a guy join them and this guy is the one break the ice... Well after another hour, he suddenly came to me " hey you taking net sec??" as he saw me studying net sec..."yupz" i replied... then we exchange tips and bla bla... then we started taling with the rest and continue studying..

Then came Dragon, he came without book and dont intend to study....Then what he's there for??? beeps...ask him if he wanna eat also he dont want but come disturb ppl and telling ppl " i handsome what".... the girl next door just said to him """ please go back home""" and Joy say in the nice way GO- go home or FO- f*%k off... well sadly he have to leave well not because of us but he is working in the morning....

well we studied till four till Lewis and the gang came...i lost my concentration and end up playing taiti...till Mac breakfast is out...well loser as per normal buy food... Lewis lucky got free hashbrown, milo and pancake... but if we don't cheat either he or me kena but ... end up Michael sadly using his points to buy... Michael too honest!

Dawn not used to stay over night...was a little sick...but dawn gambade!!! you still got one more night....Well tonight we might be going to study again.. are we?? like lazy lah heheheh :P

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