Friday, September 15, 2006

Selamat Hari Raya Puasa

lol....this shanaz really shoot me ah!!! Sigh but its true that its been very very long long time i never update my blog.Well i guess the cover page is not intresting that is why no updates...hahhah lame reason.BUt well is this cover page...well if you dont think so who cares! its mine hahahah.
Hmmm...recently just finish my SIP but have to return to school to finish unfinished business.One more week to go and goes for my vacation.
Yeah! well fasting mth coming up and i hope that i can sucessfully complete the whole process of Ramadhan this year together with the night prayer called 'TERAWIH'. Hmmm...another thing i wanna add about this month is about Singapore Malay channel...haven't start fasting already advertise HAri RAya....commonlah do some good deed by advertising Fasting campaign....encourage the muslim and educate the non muslim.Well whatever is Suria is my least fav channel. Hmmm... lastly To all my muslim friends >>>>
Selamat berpuasa

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