Friday, January 27, 2006


Hello...wah its been a long time i update my blog.....Been very very busy with project, work, studying for tests and etc etc...Recently my friend had just pass away due to work...He is a civil defence officer and got killed on a road accident when he got a urgent called. Al-fateha to Sheik Amran. He is very quiet and always keep to himself.Have a fun memory with him. Well i guess life is too short to think what you gonna do in the future. Sigh....this week i am so tense with my project really tense...but some ppl just don think i am.PPL think i am enjoying my life well i wish i would. I got quarrel with my friend just a stupid misunderstanding.And with my sister over a stupid thoughts.Well i just tell myself... think what they like, i just have to many burden to think off... Studying is diffrent from work...Futuremore my school semester is damn too fast...i had to hand in 7 project and having 5 examination subject in hand....the most chialat semester in Temasek Poly. The school wanna have to follow their own schedule and leaving us suffer.Wish that i can quit but kinda of wasted and unlike me to quit half way. Must chiong ah.... How i wish ppl can just understand me.....I may look happy from outside but inside only god knows how i feel. Well chinese new year is around the corner and i planned to stay home and study. i aim to score high for my exam so my GPA can rise back......Hopefully! Happy chinese new year to my chinese friends and Happy holiday to the others....

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